October 3, 2008

Hey, Can I Call You Joe?

So of course, I have some thoughts on THEE debate last night. There's no particular order to these thoughts - they're just there.

1. Sarah Palin needs to learn how to speak in a form that doesn't include run-on sentences. The word "also" was used about 48 times.
2. If Barak Obama gave a "shout out" to anyone whilst in the midst of a debate, there would be serious racial repercussions. I mean, really - no extra credit for you.
3. This debate is for the second most powerful position in this country. Please note that it is being judged (by American people and American media) on whether or not Sarah Palin can exceed their expectations and not look like a complete and total ass. I mean, that's what we were all on the edge of our seats waiting for, no? Oh, were you too busy waiting for her to say "Tax and Spend" so you could win PalinBingo? (PalinBingo is a topic I'll touch later)
4. Palin did do much better than I expected. However, if I wanted "Gee, Golly, Wow" in the White House, McCain could have nominated my mom's next door neighbor, a soccer mom with a much more current view on International Affairs

Zlata's Comparison of Speech Technique:
Sarah Palin was super-amped up for her debate. She greeted Senator Biden for the first time ever, and asked if she could call him Joe, which is what any good student would do when meeting a teacher on the first day of school (well, maybe in college.) And just like college, Biden lectured rotundly, giving facts and figures, names and dates - looking often at the moderator. Palin, on the other hand, behaved like a hungover student who crammed like hell to ace an oral exam, adding an occasional wink to keep the engagement of the audience.

What about this "Shock of the Day":
"I may not answer the questions the way either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people," Palin said to Biden, er, Joe.
Um, really. What the fuck do you think you're doing here if not to answer questions set forth by the moderator? "If I don't answer the question, maybe it won't be obvious that I don't know my ass from my elbow." She didn't even answer the question about the Achiillies Heel, no doubt because she has no clue what that even is. Did anyone else hear Joe Biden sigh more than once throughout the debate? And let me tell you something else, Palin - I'm an average American Middle Class citizen (for now) and I will not be categorized as a "soccer mom" with a "joe six-pack" boyfriend. I mean, REALLY?!

Again, I think Sarah Palin did a good job memorizing what Johnny McNuts drilled into her head (Drill, baby, Drill). However, what if it McCain/Failin won and it's like day 2 of them in power. Say there's breaking news that John McCain has checked out early. Do you think that there is anything - anything at all - that Sarah Snowmobile was able to remember from her Pre-Debate Indoctrination that would make you feel any more comfortable with her running this country, than before the debate began? "Now let me repeat that," says Joe Biden. If Sarah Palin has to stand in as President, should anything happen to McCain, do you feel more confident AFTER watching this debate that she would be able to run this country? [I'm not answering this - remember, I don't state my political views - just my observations]

I mean, I think before we can answer who won this debate - we have to think about
1. Who answered any of the QUESTIONS in this debate, no?
2. Who would you send, as the leader of the free world, into a negotiation with Putin, Chavez or any other leader, knowing that Palin can refer to people as Joe SixPack and uses phrases like "You Betcha!" I mean, could you imagine President Palin asking Vladimir Putin if he could stop making trouble in Georgia, and Putin responding with "You Betcha!!"
3. If Joe Six pack goes bankrupt, do you think Sarah Palin is going to give a shit?

Can we talk about her "response" to the her duties as a VP? I mean, Joe Biden admitted that Obama wants him involved in every executive governing decision, so on and so forth. Do you remember what Palin said? She talked about her passion for special needs children. Look, I'm not saying we shouldn't care about children with extra chromosomes, but those types of duties are usually saved for First Ladies and what have you. So you'll have Biden in the room giving his guidance and thoughts, as he should, given his experience - while you have Palin advocating for mental retardation?!

Also, I'm not even getting into the whole mispronunciation of "nuclear." It's pointless. She couldn't even get through a Katie Couric interview, let alone know her vocabulary.

Words that Sarah Palin did NOT use:

Health Care
Foreign Policy
Polar Bear
Knocked up daughter
Birth control
My husband is on the state payroll and has no job title

Best Part of the Debate: Joe Biden's BURN with his "ultimate bridge to nowhere" comment.

Over and Out.


  1. To "anonymous" of 10/7/08 at 1:05 PM:

    Here's a thought: The point of having a blog is to express one's opinion. But I guess that concept is a little difficult for you to grasp. People with some normal functions taking place within their brains either state why they disagree or don't read it altogether. Gee, what an idea! It looks like you chose to disagree with her. Wow, I have to commend you on providing the best political commentary I have ever seen. You just forgot to explain why you think she's wrong. Minor point, right? I am, however, so glad I took the time to read your great use of eloquent vocabulary and enlightened opinion. I mean, when void of an actual opinion, just curse a lot and talk about a whole lot of nothing. It really garners credibility and respect and reflects inherent intelligence. So, congratulations: you proved yourself to be the absolute moron you so hate. We would all like to be you. Please show us the way. Do us -- i.e., society, perhaps humanity as well -- a favor and don't speak, ever, and don't engage in the outside world, ever. You make us look bad. And, for your sake (because we clearly have genuine concern for your well-being), it may help you avoid struggling to get that hard and thorny piece of ignorance and anger out from being stuck in your stank ass. Try vasoline though. Or therapy. Or resource room.

  2. Thank you!! I deleted the original person's comment because I didn't feel it warranted a parking space on my blog.

  3. It's 2:07 on a Thursday...and you're still ass stain ugly Zlatastein

  4. Anonymous- It's 12:34 and I just slept with your dad.


Thanks for your ThoughtZ!