November 10, 2010

Traffic Talk

I’m OBSESSED!  TrafficTalk is solving one the biggest problems we all face when driving to work or when we’re driving – well, anywhere!  You get stuck in traffic, but it’s pretty much impossible to get all the information you need to figure out what to do – from the radio, to your blackberry maps or even navigation.

TrafficTalk offers a free service for drivers on mobile phones, where people come together in a LIVE conference environment and share details about traffic conditions – basically helping one another avoid or escape back-ups.  It’s a voice-based service, so TrafficTalk allows your eyes to remain on the road and your hands on the wheel.

Anyone can use TrafficTalk to share details about traffic conditions on the road ahead. You can access the free service from any phone. There are separate phone numbers for different regional “communities”—each focused on a separate traffic corridor around a city.
Store the numbers you need in your phone so you have them when you need them. With your hands-free device, say the command and you’re dialed into TrafficTalk.
Most people will want to hear the latest recorded TrafficTalk summary for their region, to get a feel for what’s going on before entering the TrafficTalk conference. Others may want to jump right in, to hear the latest live details on traffic.
Entering the call, you are muted, so you can hear people talking but they can’t hear you. Listen, and hear live reports from drivers in your region describing traffic conditions that clue you in on what’s up ahead.
Anyone can contribute when they have information others might want to hear. Just say “Talk” and you’re in the queue, waiting your turn to share.
With TrafficTalk, you get all the perspectives from people on the main roads and others trying alternate routes. The host is managing the conversation, talking with callers who are providing details on traffic conditions and offering useful advice based on what people are reporting.
With so many sets of eyes working for you on the road ahead, TrafficTalk helps you make informed decisions, taking the stress out of your everyday commute.You get where you’re going quicker and have a chance to clue everyone in on what worked for you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zlata—

    Thanks for blogging about TrafficTalk—we’re actually a few weeks away from launching the service in the top 25 most congested U.S. metropolitan areas—a total of 120 locally-focused “traffic communities”. Naturally, we’re excited to see how the power of the crowds will arm drivers with truly actionable information (beyond the highly positive feedback we rec’d in beta testing!).
    In preparation for our launch, we’re now seeking volunteer “Traffic Hosts” to help harness the power of traffic information from drivers. Working from home, these folks will be on the front lines, connected to their TrafficTalk community and managing the conversations among drivers--helping drivers find the information they need, to work around traffic tie-ups and get where they’re going.
    Anyone interested in joining us, should check out our site:
    Thanks again and I hope you will be a frequent user of TrafficTalk and help build these communities.

    Steve Stern
    Co-Founder, TrafficTalk


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