November 13, 2008

Somthing that pisses me off

You know what's really annoying? When I'm shopping online (or in the actual store) for things like note cards or anything having to do with a monogram. I'm SICK and tired of people not keeping "Z" things in stock. I get it, not a lot of people have Z names and so what's the point of making something that probably won't sell out? But you know what? MAKE THEM ANYWAY you assholes!

1 comment:

  1. I have a simple solution here: buy the "N" stationary and flip that shit over on its side. Being the leading letter of such great names as Nigel, Nadia, Nefertiti, or even Nick (please see: for entire ridiculous list), your local card/stationary/paper goods store is sure to have plenty of products with the great letter "N". By simply rotating said product 90 degrees, you will complete the transformation of the stationary from the sturdy, reliable "N" to the flamboyant and elusive "Z". Oh, the versatility! Problem: SOLVED.


Thanks for your ThoughtZ!