December 11, 2008


This morning on the Today Show, there was a segment on teenagers getting addicted to prescription drugs. These pills are apparently easier to get than alcohol. I remember when I was young and partied at Jon Lowenberg's house, there was never a problem getting beer. Maybe that's because his parents would buy it for us -- man, I love parents with the "I'd rather you drink at home with me than out and about" philosophy. ANYWAY, I never even THOUGHT to do pills or anything like that when I was a teenager. Drinking Miller Lites and getting felt up by Justin Marrero behind a tool shed was a-ok by me!
The point here is that these kids are getting so into pills, that they end up going to rehab at an early age and after they get out, they start their life of "sobriety" -- but at the age of 17. What's the point? You can't even enjoy college! So, basically, my point is that you should stay away from pills at an early age, fuck up later in life instead. Or, enjoy the pills and stay away from rehab.
Am I going to be a good mother or WHAT?!

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