December 30, 2008


I've had some time to be pensive during my break. I've written quite a bit, although I haven't really published anything. I'm still thinking about whether or not I'm going to publically post some of my thoughts, but regardless --- here we are: December 31, 2008.
As we embark on the year 2009, there are some things I just want to leave behind. So, without further A DOO:

Zlata's OVER IT '08 List

1. Buying lunch. Sure, the occasional treat is doable, but all of my credit and debit statements are Bistro and other corporate lunch abodes. OVER IT. Why don't I just make some lunch and save my money? Oh, because I'm too lazy and am running late every morning? Cut the shit Zlata -- let's pack it in.

2. The recession. Sure, it sucks - but what I'm REALLY over is people who are obsessed with the recession who have no right to be. We're all trying to save money all the time regardless of the economy. Certain people need to stop using the excuse of the recession to get out of financial responsibilities. You're not 65 and didn't lose 50% of your 401K - so please cut the shit with the recession really affecting you.

3. The expression "fair enough." It's stupid - stop using it.

4. Worrying about people who don't worry about you. Why waste the energy? Focus your positive energy on things that you will see a positive outcome from.

5. OVERANALYZING EVERYTHING. It's like a piece of great filet. At first, it's whole and pretty -- but then you start poking around and all of a sudden you're left with medallions or like, shredded beef. Just stop and enjoy the filet.

6. In the fashion category, I will tell you that I'm OVER IT '08 to short, slouching flat boots (be it suede or leather) over a pair of skinny jeans.

7. I'm OVER IT '08 to people trying to label and/or analyze certain relationships they're in. Stop trying to put a label on what you have with someone, because EVERY situation is different. It's almost like people feel if they have a label on something, it will validate and help manage expectations of their specific situation. I'm over it! You don't need to have a "name" to exist. Just be, people.

8. If Annabelle want to have a sexual relationship with someone she have absolutely no feelings for and is purely friends with, don't judge her. Friends with benefits can be great.

9. Just the tip. Stop playing this game. It's not healthy. Wedding Crashers was cool five years ago.

10. Being sloppy. We're older, people. I think it's time you care just a little bit about your appearance. If you dress like an utter slob, that's what I'm going to think you are. If you're going out with your friends, dress up- feel pretty. What's the point of wearing comfy pants 24/7? It only makes you feel okay that you don't fit into your jeans. Cut the shit.

Finally, and most importantly -- this is a lesson I learned from a dear friend and will be my motto for 2009: LET THE GAME COME TO YOU.

Till next year's "Never Again in 10" .... this is Z, over and out.


  1. I texted "fair enough" to you last night. Now I feel pretty silly about it.

  2. I love you and I love every single thing on this list.

    Here's one more: "we can be friends". Cut the shit, no we can't. We ended things for a reason. Man up and move the fuck on. And let me do the same. Not that this has happened to me, I'm just sayin!!!

  3. SERIOUSLY! with the recession bullshit! HAA

  4. You're AweSOME and I agree 100%!


Thanks for your ThoughtZ!