December 24, 2008

If I didn't invite you to my BBQ, get outta my grill!

What up, Detroit?

So first on the list is Twitter. I've tried very hard to not blog about things I'm not knowledgeable on, so I've steered clear of anything Twitter-related. I do have a few thoughts thought. First of all, "twitter" is a really weird word. But I have a weird name, so who am I to judge?
Next, what's the point of updating people on your status every second when there's Facebook status updates (FBSU)? I mean, that's what I use. I just feel like I am getting gypped out of some good status checks from the people on Twitter since I'm not on that. I mean, if you update Twitter, do you write the same update for Facebook? If not, then I won't know what you're up to!!
Remember Away Messages? Those were fun. Even AIM away messages have become obsolete. No one sits there and reads away messages anymore. Why? Because no one writes any! It's Facebook and Twitter now. Instead, you sit there and read FBSU or get RSS feeds of Twitters. And why do we even CARE what other people are doing? Because we all live in our own little Truman Show. Our own little Days of Our Lives. We're all just characters in this reality television show of Life: NAME is going to Brazil on vacation. NAME is at the vet with Spot. NAME says they're shoveling snow. NAME says Holy Fucking Shit! I was just in a plane crash!
REALLY?!? Seriously?? You are in a PLANE CRASH - a plane crash - and the FIRST THING YOU DO IS TWITTER?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?! And, on top of it - he's like a celebrity now. He was all over the news. This blows my mind.

So you know how Snoop Dogg has this reputation of being this big time stoner? I really have a completely different view of him after watching Fatherhood. You know, they ain't the Huxtables, but they 'sho are living comfortable. He's SUCH a great dad. And yes, I'm sure he's smoking a ton - but I think he can handle it. Shante is another story. Ball till she fall she's the Boss Lady. That woman is hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. I don't understand a WORD she says -- and it's worse this season than the last! They even have to close caption what she says - I mean, word???

Ok I have ZLATAThoughts on a MAC vs. a PC --- but since Cablevision is messing up my day tomorrow (anytime between 2p - 5p) I'll blog about it then.

Z and her new Irish boyfriend, MAC.

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