May 31, 2009

When Is You Due On?

Paying BillsWith the economy being as shitteous as it is, my need for monetary organization has grown tenfold. Not only that, but all the messages of being a more "green" planet has given me a guilty conscience. I completely am aware of how much junk mail I receive and how it is such a waste of paper. Given that, along with pressure from my roommate(s), I decided to attempt my monetary (dis)organization on line. Over the internet. Where money is just a number on a screen. I went from getting monthly credit card statements (which I then filed accordingly) to "opting out of paper statements" from all the companies I have credit cards with.
With the advice of my extremely organized-with-money roommate, I decided to then call all the companies to change the date of due payments to the 17th of each month, conveniently after payday. Perhaps you're reading this and scoffing at me, thinking "Um, duh -- everyone does that." But, I just never had an issue paying my statements as they came in, since I'd always be covered with the money in the bank.
Well, if we go back to the economy factor of this post - the money you have in checking should be just enough to get by -- any and all else should be in your savings. I'm a huge fan of ING, though after the interest rate dropped so low, I switched to an affiliate of Emigrant: First Dollar Direct. My point is, I have tried to be more organized now that I'm doing everything online - given that I'm more of a visual person. So in trying to do my part for the economy and the green Earth - I've sacrificed the convenience of tangible bills and would like to introduce you to the tool that helps me stay on-time with my payments.
IsDueOn is a simple bill tracker that lets you stay on top of your bills.

Create an account
Add your bills and set their due dates
We will send you reminders before the bills are due
Once the bills are paid, remove or reschedule them by simply clicking on a link in the reminder email
Get due date reminders through email, Twitter* and SMS*
Also get reminders for other important dates
Register NOW - it's FREE!
*Twitter and SMS support coming soon
So visit and setup an account today!

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