October 28, 2009

Have you seen this man....in your dreams??

The website Thisman.org is attempting to trace "this man" seen by thousands of people in their dreams.
Is it a crazy hoax? The keepers of the site say no.
The site urges people to contact them if they have seen "this man" in their dreams -- and many people HAVE seen him.

The story of "this man" begins in a New York psychiatrist's office in 2006. A patient drew the face of a man who was a recurring character in her dreams, often giving her life advice.

Cut to - another patient seeing the drawing, claiming "this man" is also in her dreams, prompting the doc to share with his colleagues, who shared with their patients - many of whom also saw "this man" in their dreams.

Take a gander at this YouTube video and tell me that you DON'T think you've seen "this man." I'm not one to recognize people based on sketches (as I noted in my obsession with America's Most Wanted) - but this video does a really good job of making me think that "this man" and I have an ongoing relationship - when I'm unconscious.

One thing to note is that the site is registered to Andrea Natella, who is a founder of an Italian guerilla marketing agency, known for their 'Shock and Hoax' campaigns.

The question remains as to what exactly the agency is promoting...if they are indeed, promoting anything at all.

So...what do YOU think???


  1. $20 says is a viral campaign for The Fourth Kind

  2. honestly that mans face creeps me out

  3. i just seen the picture today.and if i do see him in my dreams tonight i will believe that is true.


Thanks for your ThoughtZ!