November 19, 2009

Does hooking up with a man too early make you a slut?

The single life is not an easy one. People are always saying they don’t want anyone who plays games, but let’s face it – dating is just that. It’s a game of checkers and it’s important to always know your next move and your move after the move your opponent on and so forth.

I find it very interesting the judgment women are pegged with based solely on the amount of time it takes to “hook up.” Sure, there’s the argument of the double standard where if men go around hooking up, it’s perfectly normal – but if a woman were to behave in the same capacity, they’re shunned and looked at as a slut. What happened to the notion of women who enjoy a good time? From a man’s perspective, is it possible to hook up with a girl too early, deeming them unworthy of a valuable and respectable relationship?

I’m not a harlot by any means. I don’t partake in casual sex because to me, the act is somewhat more emotional than simply physical. That said, every human being enjoys and appreciates the human touch. So how far is too far and how soon is too soon? In a man’s eyes, does doing “everything but” still a slut make? Of course, I understand that all positions are situation-dependent, but nevertheless, I’m curious to get a man’s perspective on this.

Since I know myself and my personal prude nature, I know that if I were to hook up with a guy I met not too long ago, it’s simply an act in an attempt for companionship and desire. But does the man view it the same? Does having a good time with said girl attach a judgment? It’s hard to alter the viewpoint of a male once he’s made up his mind. On the other hand, if you share physical compatibility, but know there’s no chance of a relationship coming about, do you still act “prude” so as to keep your sanity the next morning and reputation of being a “good girl?”

In my opinion, you should be having fun no matter what you do or who you’re with. Clearly, a woman knows what she's comfortable doing – since a man is always pretty much willing to go all the way all the time. Stereotypical proclamation? Perhaps – but it’s been my experience. And so I ask the men out there – to bring this full circle: If you go “far” with a woman not too long after meeting her, is she no longer worthy of being “wife material” anymore?


  1. I slept with my gifrlfriend on our first date and we've been together 3.5 years.

  2. My ex and I partook in the felatial act the first night we met and things did not end well after about a year. My current gf and I didn't really hook up much until about a few weeks into seeing each other... we're going in 3 1/2 years. If you're looking for a relationship ladies, keep your pants on and your mouths shut (sexually that is)

  3. See to me it is not the act of or willingness to sleep with someone on the first date or meeting that makes someone a "slut". Others from the outside looking in on that scenario might disagree, but if we are talking about a one on one interaction with someone, it has far more to do with how a person carries him or herself, their attitude and their intentions. A nice, sweet, genuine, and intriguing girl will be viewed that way by me regardless of whether we're enjoying a conversation over a cup of coffee or rocking my bed forward a foot and a half from the wall. You can't hide qualities like that. Slutty to me at least includes being careless and thoughtless. No regard to being safe, outside perception, and self worth. I know plenty of nice girls who are promiscuous sometimes but (occasional slips aside) they generally go about it in a relatively smart and self-respecting way. You can put two girls in a room in the lowest cut tank top and shortest skirt you can find, one a promiscuous but nice self-respecting girl, and the other a slut hell bent on getting laid that night one way or another and I promise I can pick out who is who. I'm willing to take part in any such studies that come to light as a result of this comment :)

  4. That's funny Brian. I'm a female who takes appreciation in your beliefs. I definitely don't sleep around by any means, but have been known to hook up with guys I meet that night. I dont have sex with them but we do hook up and then i wonder whether or not i'm developing feelings for them but mostly because of the companionship. itshard. so then i think can this boy like me as a girlfriend or not because i just hooked up with him without even going on a date.
    basically, everything this blogger said is exactly what i'm thinking. i'm happy i discovered this blog. it rocks.

  5. So here are my thoughts: I don't agree with the stereotype of "slut" just because a girl sleeps with someone right away.

    Even though we all do it from time to time, no one should judge another person. (Again, we all do it, but it's wrong.)... Read More

    PERSONALLY, I definitely think there should be some time before giving ip up, but that's me. It totally, 100%, depends on the people involved...

    I've seen some girls make the same mistake over and over, sleep around, and are then surprised that no serious guy wants them for the long-run, but at the same time- I know two girls who happen to sleep with their now husbands within a few dates and they're happily married!!!! So yeah, who the hell knows.......I guess I believe that if there's a connection that's deep and meaningful, sex is just extra and doens't sway the relationship too much- although sex is a huge and very important part of a relationship. But I understand that we're talking about casual sex here, not monogomous relationship...

    Look, if you wanna sleep around, sleep around. If/when the time comes to settle down, I'm sure you'll (not YOU lol) will settle down and change the behavior to fit that particular relationship you choose to get into.

    I also think it can be different things...some girls sleep around for attention- to fill some kind of void- and some just like it! Some guys are just out there for the bang, some are just assholes, and some are in it for the long-run- it alllll depends on the person and the situation.

    Truth? If you ask me, as long as you're not hurting anyone, are HONEST from the start about your motives and plans with whoever you're sleeping with, then have fun, be safe, and do whatever the hell makes you happy!

    If you're choosing to be experimental and wanna sleep around, good for you- if you wanna wait, then wait. Just put it all out there from day-one. That way, no matter if someone agrees with your choice of behavior or not, at the end of the day they'll appreciate your honesty.

  6. I've been with my wife for 5 years and have 3 kids and still haven't had sex

  7. 3rd date rule is customus locale

  8. 3..2..7..who cares..who counts?

    Z...many can say they "knew" when they met their life partner. I'm skeptical of that, I think it simply happens. A woman sleeping with a man "too soon", I belive, has little to do with it.

    A guy's judgement of a girl happens long before he is inside of her, at least it should or the girl has just made a mistake...or has she? What if that is what she wants? Is that a mistake (assuming she was safe)?


Thanks for your ThoughtZ!