Um, hello News Channel 12!! Up your game, here -- how come West Palm Beach news covers a rapping Boca grandma with her rap rendition of Jay-Z and Alicia Keys' song - and I get nada???
Where's the Fair Lawn love?!?!? If you all recall, I made a rap video called the Empire State of Fair Lawn. Apparently, this gained quite a bit of buzz in the Fair Lawn community. Of course, this made me quite happy!
Last night, I was getting ready to get in the shower when I noticed a teaser on the news for a grandma rapping about Boca Raton. I was in awe! Sure, she does a pretty good job - but I mean, c'mon now!
What do you guys think? I mean, homegirl has over 40,000 hits! What am I doing wrong?
Story: Click HERE
nah, this is nothing. rite a letter to ch12