October 8, 2010

Fat Women Make Less Money Than Skinny Women

As if losing weight to be more attractive wasn’t enough – women now need to concern themselves with weight loss for the sake of making more money in their paychecks!

According to the New York Post, a new study has found that skinny women make significantly more money than those who are of average weight or classified as obese.

The Journal of Applied Psychology published research that shows being 30 pounds below the average American female weight of 164 pounds can result in roughtly $10,719 more in annual salary – above average women’s pay of $40,000.  Being 30 pounds overweight can mean making $9,873 less than average.  An extremely thin American woman who weighs 60 pounds less than average (um, 104 pounds!) can make as much as $22,300 more per year than someone who is of average weight.

Is anyone surprised with this information? Have you seen this in the workplace? 

What’s interesting is that the OPPOSITE holds true for males.  The larger you are, the more you’re likely to get paid.  DISCUSS.


  1. As a 240 pound male, I'd like to point out that I probably make more than you.

    I would also like to point out that fatter girls give much better blowjobs.


  2. While it is a shame that society deems a womans intelligence on her weight women are not alone, Men's Health has run several articles about heavier men being passed over for promotions due to their weight. Being overweight denotes a lack of self control for everyone. I post annonymous as I do not currently posess an account with the providers listed. -John

  3. How did they come up with that average? Did they average all thin women, regardless of what industries they were in, and then do the same with overweight women? If so, this isn't really showing us anything.

    Actresses and models are much thinner than the average woman. How much does a teacher make? How much does a supermodel make? I'm sure a lot of the gain in earnings for thinner women is due to the fact that all highly paid actresses and models are in the thin category.


Thanks for your ThoughtZ!