December 17, 2012

RueLaLa halts daily sale to honor Sandy Hook victims

What do you think of this? RueLaLa stalls their 11am daily sale in an effort to get people to donate to victims of Sandy Hook.  Fabulous PR strategy or a jump on the bandwagon?


  1. I'd like to think it's simply a thoughtful note of respect. It's straightforward, I feel no need to mar the intent with my usual, and jaded, view of many brands, but rather, to appreciate the thoughtfulness of this message.

  2. It's simple, classy, and not self-promotional. Completely appropriate, and even better, it's a nice surprise in this frenzied last sales week before Christmas. As for your question about the bandwagon, this is the first brand/email message I've seen about Newtown. I'd welcome others. It's not a bad bandwagon to join.


Thanks for your ThoughtZ!