March 31, 2009

Look-Alike of the Day

Dudes, I totally stand corrected from my earlier post. As the fabulous Suzanne Lyons pointed out to me, it is NOT Michael Lohan I was oggling on 24 last night, but in fact a gentleman by the name of Peter Onorati. Point being, they look EXACTLY ALIKE. Hence, today's look-alike of the day! I mean, can you tell who is who???


  1. They could be twin brothers! Peter is 53 and Michael is 48. Onorati has been doing episodic TV for more than 20 years A piece of trivia: He's a JERZ BOY! Born and raised in Boonton, NJ.

  2. OH BTW -- That's me commenting above -- honored to have a call out on you blog Z!!!
    tx, sl


Thanks for your ThoughtZ!