June 7, 2009

Going down...

You know what REALLY bothers me? When I'm standing at the elevators in my office building - where I've CLEARLY already hit the button - and someone comes along and starts hitting the already-illuminated button, too. I mean, I already hit the button, dude. What do you think is going to happen? I mean, I know this is a common pet peeve of people, but it just REALLY irritates me.

1 comment:

  1. In some elevators, hitting a specific floor's button serves the same purpose of the "door close" button.

    Also, people like to get into "routines" (especially in the morning), because routines allow them to accomplish things with minimal thought.

    That said, it's a more convenient routine to:
    - push "floor 3"

    - if "floor 3" is unlit, push "floor 3". otherwise, push "door close".


Thanks for your ThoughtZ!