December 15, 2013

5 Budget Tips for Turning Your Spare Bedroom into a Craft Room

Transforming a rarely used spare bedroom into a dedicated craft room doesn’t have to break the bank. If paint, glitter, fabric swatches and beads have taken over every corner of your house, your crafting passion deserves its own space. From reusing old furniture to finding storage in unexpected places, these five tips will help you create the perfect craft space on a budget.

1. Maximize workspace. A single desk or table is rarely enough workspace for crafting. To maximize your workspace, line the perimeter of the room with multiple tables. Folding tables are an affordable alternative to custom cabinets and offer even more usable workspace. A rolling cart that fits under your table adds extra space in a pinch. Cover the tables with a table skirt to hide supplies when not in use.

Budgeting tip: Used furniture stores are a great resource for inexpensive cabinets, chairs and tables. Or reuse your old spare bedroom furniture, such as a large dresser, for craft supply storage. With a fresh coat of paint and new hardware, these furniture items will be personalized for your space.

2. Get organized. Hide miscellaneous tools by mounting a pegboard or a sheet of galvanized (metallic) metal to the inside of cabinet doors. Use clear jars to store small crafting supplies like beads, buttons, stickers and sequins. For tangle-free access to spools of ribbon, mount a small tension rod underneath a shelf.

Photo by chrissy.farnan via Flickr

Budgeting tip: Don’t forget about “unused” space like the back of a desk or door. Hang a shoe holder on the back of a closet door to hold craft supplies. Cut holes in the back of the desk to hold cups for storing paint pens and pencils, scissors and more within easy reach.

3. Shine the spotlight. Whether you’re crafting or sewing, great lighting is essential to creating the perfect project. In addition to overhead lighting, invest in one or two inexpensive desk lamps with adjustable heads. Task lighting brings focused light directly to your workspace. And don’t forget about natural light; fabrics and paints look different depending on the lighting, so great natural light is the key to the creative process.

Budgeting tip: Shades are an affordable window treatment option that can easily be opened or closed depending on your lighting needs.

4. Create an inspiration wall. Get inspired with a dedicated design wall to showcase your creative vision. Whether you create your own wall covering or hang up several bulletin boards, your design wall is the space to tack up photos, fabric scraps, drawings and other craft inspiration.

Photo by kerenrichter via Flickr

Budgeting tip: Create your own low-cost design wall by covering foam insulation or fiberboard with colored felt.

5. Be comfortable. Craft and sew comfortably with the proper ergonomic support. If you are repurposing an old desk chair, adjust the seat height so your feet are flush on the floor. This reduces lumbar spine compression and alleviates strain on the lower back. Consider including a “non-traditional” seating option like a loveseat or even an old daybed where you can spread out and get comfortable while sketching your next project.

Budgeting tip: Ergonomic seating doesn’t have to be expensive; upgrade an ordinary desk chair by adding a small, firm pillow to support the lower back.

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